6 Surprising Foods That Can Be Terrible for Teeth – ABC News

There are the obvious smile saboteurs: soda, hard candy, energy drinks—all of which are high in sugar, one of the primary dietary contributors to cavities.

“Sugar is a sticky carbohydrate,” says Jennifer Jablow, D.D.S., a cosmetic dentist in New York City. “Bacteria grabs onto it, and that actually produces acid.”

The effect: Minerals are pulled out of your pearly whites, so your enamel starts to erode.

Chances are, if you’re conscientious about the rest of your body, you’re already avoiding these sugar-laden foods and drinks. But that doesn’t mean your smile is safe—some of the healthy foods you eat on the regular can be just as detrimental to your choppers as the junk you avoid.

via 6 Surprising Foods That Can Be Terrible for Teeth – ABC News.